In the unfortunate event of a Claim, the first important step is to reach out to your insurance carrier directly.
To file a claim during regular business hours, simply please call Halstead Insurance at 978-345-2505 for us to assist you with this process.
For a Serious Fire, Smoke or Water damage loss, the following services are available 24 hours a day. - Prime Restoration # 1-844-774-6333 / Service Master 1-800-835-6591
…..(This Service is paid by your insurance company when it is determined damages were a result of a covered cause of loss)…..
Home Owners Claim Tips: -Do Not discard any damaged property, Notify police if theft is involved, Prepare a list of damaged or missing items,
Take pictures of the damaged property.
If a claim emergency requires immediate assistance after business hours, please see our full list of company direct contact information to assist you.
Your insurance carrier will notify us so that we can monitor the progress of your claim. Our team is always happy to assist you.
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